ESTECO Releases VOLTA and modeFRONTIER 2023R2

With the introduction of Services in VOLTA, ESTECO enables users to bridge the gap between simulation workflows and business processes.

With the introduction of Services in VOLTA, ESTECO enables users to bridge the gap between simulation workflows and business processes.

ESTECO now offers VOLTA and modeFRONTIER 2023R2.

VOLTA rolls out the new Services feature, linking simulations to the business processes. modeFRONTIER adds a Python-based Design of Experiments (DOE) module to its design space exploration toolkit.

Business Process Management

With the introduction of Services in VOLTA, ESTECO enables users to bridge the gap between simulation workflows and business processes. Experts in process automation can go further in computer-aided engineering democratization by making simulation workflows re-usable by non-experts within a business process. To achieve this, you can create a Service that is a simplified run configuration. It exposes a partial set of design parameters for a specific simulation workflow extended with design space exploration strategies.

This Service is made available within a business process (BPMN 2.0 workflow) and referenced in a VOLTA Service task that invokes the execution of the simulation workflow delivering design parameters data to the simulation.

With Service in VOLTA, you bring onboard non-experts. They can now interact with the business process through User Tasks to define a design configuration. As a result, the simulation runs automatically and generates design space exploration studies. In turn, these results are then fed back into the business process, where the task assignee can use VOLTA's post-processing tools to analyze them further.

Design Optimization

The new pyDOE module in modeFRONTIER enables you to write your own algorithms in Python and or use built-in Python algorithms to create a set of DOE design configurations. With pyDOE, you can expect to estimate objective and constraint values based on available albeit partial data. By doing this, you can decide whether a design is worth keeping in advance.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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